Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is this blog?

I know I have seriously neglected this bog for little while now and it is definitely bothering me. I have a ton of excuses, I could tell you that this is my final semester for my B.A. and I am working hard, or I could say being engaged to PoseySessions is a full time job. But I wont. I am definitely going to be spending more time working and adding content to this blog very soon. I will be a college graduate in about 3 weeks. Which should in turn give me more free time to do what I love: read and write. But I am running into a fundamental question...

What s this blog?

I was lucky enough to get a few ARCs from Harper Collins, and definitely intend to read and review them. problem is they are all historical non-fiction. I love history, I am a history major (along with political science) This blog was designed more to review fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal and genre YA and MG stuff. fun, light reading, along with tv movies etc etc etc. Well I still want to review that stuff but trying to mingle serious analytical reviewing of historical non-fiction with reviews of fantasy and young adult boos didnt sound good to me. I considered starting another blog for the historical stuff but was dissuaded by PoseySessions. In the end I am gonna take her advice and let my blog reflect exactly what I am, a nerdy fantasy loving history buff who watches too much tv and movies. Maybe in the end everyone will find something they enjoy reading about here on the blog. And i can build up a collection of serious reviews so I will not be turned down for a galley again!

All in all, if you still read, thank you. There will be tons more content soon.


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